Monday, October 24, 2011

Chairs, Chairs, Chairs

We finally reached the project I've been looking forward to all semester. The Cardboard Chair Project, or simply, Assignment 7: Chair. We have had 6 projects before this, but I have been too busy to post them, but I will get to them soon enough. Here are our(my studio partner Brian, and myself) three scaled proposals we presented to our professor today. 

They are all based off of Mies van der rohe's MR10.

Here is our first, one that just shows the structure of the chair.

The second is my favorite. It demonstrates the cantilever of the MR10 very well. 

Finally, our third, the strongest of the three(the model itself held 10 pounds quite well).
Although this is the strongest it will be the most difficult to build for a final design

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