Friday, October 28, 2011

And they said it couldn't be done

Well here it is. Our full-scale proposal. It is the last step before the final chair is built and presented. Everyone told us that we would not be able to successfully create a cantilever out of cardboard(including our professor and our T.A.), but we proved them wrong, quite well. Although there are a couple of things that we need to adjust on the chair design, the cantilever is perfect. It is, after all the main focus of our chair.
Our area of focus for correction is mainly the back of the chair considering it is not functional for support on this design.
Another area to fix is the angle at which the seat sits on its own. We have to have it on an angle to give room to move when a person sits on it but not as extreme of an angle as it is now.

Here is Brian sitting in it, putting his full weight into it.

It is nine layers of cardboard thick, being held together by contact cement.

We were able to control the curve by scoring the pieces in a specific order and depth

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