Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Open House

At the end of every year, the College of Architecture holds its annual Open House in Crown Hall.
It is an event that showcases select works from students done during that current academic school year.
The works for the showcase are selected based off the premise of a project receiving at least an A-. More so, in reality it also depends on if the professor liked the project to begin with.

I was lucky enough to be asked for two works to be put into Open House. My model of the Kaufmann Desert House and my model from the Color Project. However, the color model was nowhere near good enough condition to be put on display, so it headed to the dumpster instead of Open House. It was great to have something in there my first year, and hopefully I will have models in there next year, but that's a long road from now.

Here are some photos from Open House night.

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