Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Design Competition

Currently, I am working through an extremely long-term, detailed project which involves many drafts of floor plans, sections, and elevations. I will write more about that project later, now I would like to share some photos from the first design competition that I have entered. It is for the Chicago South Shore Chamber. It is a design of a bike rack. The rack had to be able to hold two bikes and protect the frame and front wheel, as well as allow the use of a U-lock. 

For my entry I took the idea of the waves of Lake Michigan that run along the South Shore. I took that shape and designed a bench seat from it. From there I placed two metal box covers, at an angle, at either end of the bench. To tie them together, the pole that the U-lock attaches to connects with its twin. Also that bar breaks the bench surface into two seats. 

I incorporated a bench into the design to allow for more variety of placement of it. To allow the biker to park and have a break and maybe walk around a little in that area. 

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