Tuesday, January 31, 2012


We have reached the home stretch of the first project of the Spring Semester. This weekend, mostly Sunday, was a busy one. It was the day that the model was built. This was not an easy task. 

It was not easy due to the amount of angles that are involved in this model. Out of the nine parts that make up this model only two are solid pieces. All off the other parts are made up of a minimum of three separate parts due to the angles. 

Here is one of the two parts that are completely solid. 

It was possible to build this one as one parts because the table saw blade can be angled at the proper angle for this piece. The rest, except for one other, had to be made up of multiple parts. 

Here are the two solid parts placed together. 

The second long panel that makes up the "V" of the model had to be made up of nine separate parts. This is due to the fact that the blade on the table saw does not turn in the direction that we needed the slots to be. So the technique we used on the first two parts would not be possible from here on out. 
Here it is, post-cut and pre-glue. 

This method had to be used for the rest of the parts. 
Here are two of the tall panels being put together. 

Here are more of the tall panels sitting while the spackle was drying. 

Here's a photo of the not-so-pretty process of sanding away the unneeded spackle. This is the second panel that makes up the "V", the one made up of nine parts.

Here's another photo of that wonderful process. 

The model, slowly but surely fitting together. 

Here are all the parts drying with primer. 

The end of the construction process. Here is the model being put together for one last fitting before the painting begins. The other three tall panels are not yet placed on in this photo. 

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