Friday, December 9, 2011

Semester 1

I have completed my first semester and felt that the end of the semester work on the blog should be something simple. So I decided to post random photos that are from my phone that I have taken through out the semester(photos related to Studio I).

This photo I took the very first day of school and studio on August 22nd. It is of my very first Studio assignment. It was drawing straight lines. 

This next photo is from a book I had to make as an assignment for Arch-100(Introduction to Architecture). The assignment was to define architectural terms using our own photos of selected buildings in Chicago. 

This photo is of my very first draft I did of my liquid container. It was done on trace paper. This draft took me a very long time due to the fact that I had to sit there and figure it out as I went along. 

This photo is also from the liquid container project. It was during proposals of Part II, where we had to tell a story of the function of the container. This was a simple proposal I had drafted and then my professor took the container and placed the parts on the page and said: "oh, now that would be interesting to see." Which means 'do this.' Which is exactly how my final Arches Paper looked. 

The project after the liquid container was the axonometric stairs. The first thing we had to do after the selection of the stairs was to draft, on trace paper, a plan and elevation of the stairs.

Soon after that the constant measurement taking had to be done. There were so many times that I had to keep getting up from my desk and had to take measurements of the hallway that the stairs lead to in the basement of Crown Hall. I then started to take pictures of the hall and draw on them digitally with the proper measurements. 

That all ended with my final Arches. I was not happy with mine by the end. This was due to the brick wall that I had to add. Here is a photo of what the Arches Paper looked like without the brick wall.

And to wrap it up are photos from the cardboard chair project. 
Here is one of the chair with only a few layers of cardboard.

Along with the chair the assignment also called for an Arches Paper draft of the our chair in comparison to the actual chair. Here is a doodle I did with the conversions for the scale on it. 

I will be back next semester, in January. 

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