Thursday, September 13, 2012

Semester 1. Studio III.

The summer has fully come to pass. (along with three and a half weeks of school already) Year one has been completely finished. I am now in the second year program, and with that has come a new curriculum, studio group, studio head, location in Crown Hall, and a whole new year of projects, late nights, problems, and challenges to conquer.

Our first day back we were brought over to IIT Tower and given the introduction to second year. It was a chance to see who returned, who didn't and who was new. In the talk we were broken up into our individual studio groups and told that these two semesters will have two major themes that we will be learning about, bricks and wood. This semester is the wood semester. However, after this talk was ended we were brought outside to work on a brick exercise, in stacking and arranging bricks in corners of three styles: Running, Flemish and English.

A corner detail of English Style

An overall view of English Style

A view looking at the corner with two layers of English Style

 Flemish Style

Second layer of Flemish Style

This was to help us better understand the style of brick walls for when it came time to draft them.
I chose to draft 12" Flemish Style.
(The final draft has not been scanned yet)

Here is the start of line weights on that draft. The green cord is from my headphones.

Back to my old view of drafting with my laptop at the end of my desk.